DNA Controllato®
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Food safety, traceability and quality are fundamental elements. To protect this right, a stringent EU legislation establishes controls and guarantee systems. Unfortunately, as demonstrated by the crises and frauds experienced in recent years, the current methods are not always quick and effective.
To provide more guarantees, PTP has developed the DNA CONTROLLATO® brand to certify the quality of agri-food products. This trademark can be placed on the product and granted free of charge to those companies that accept a voluntary control plan to certify their productions.
To provide more guarantees, PTP has developed the DNA CONTROLLATO® brand to certify the quality of agri-food products. This trademark can be placed on the product and granted free of charge to those companies that accept a voluntary control plan to certify their productions.
PTP has developed innovative methods able to detect the presence of genetically modified organisms both in seeds and in products destinated to human nutrition and animal feed. With reference to controls on corn and soy seeds, the ENSE method is applied, in accordance with the Ministerial Decree 27/11/2003 G.U.R.I. of 12/03/2003. PTP is also able to provide Fastdata results in just 36 hours after receiving samples.
Metodi qualitativi e quantitativi per identificazione e quantificazione di organismi geneticamente modificati su vegetali e derivati
Animal DNA
Many Made in Italy products can also be consumed in countries that follow religions with certain restrictions on the consumption of certain types of meat. For those Italian companies that want to export their products to these countries, PTP has developed a system to determine the possible presence of traces of meat and derivatives of pork origin.
Il PTP ha, inoltre, implementato metodi di identificazione di diverse specie animali in matrici alimentari volti a certificare l’origine delle carni ed evitare frodi commerciali.
Identificazione di specie animali in prodotti alimentari (bovino, suino, cavallo, tacchino, pollo, bufalo, asino)
Identificazione di specie ittiche
Identificazione di specie ittiche
Control methods to detect and quantify bacterial and fungal microorganisms species on any system (soil, plant, animals, food products). PTP has developed DNA-based molecular methods able to recognize and quantify the presence of microorganisms, with high sensitivity and rapidity. This enable us to optimize time and increase the security of results.
Caratterizzazione della popolazione microbica in diverse matrici mediante sequenziamento di ultima generazione;
Plant diagnostics
Il PTP offre servizi di analisi fingerprinting del DNA che permettono di distinguere e riconoscere in modo preciso e riproducibile le singole varietà presenti all’interno di ogni specie vegetale coltivata. Nell’ambito della diagnostica vegetale sono state sviluppate metodiche, per le aziende che operano nel comparto vivaistico, volte ad identificare precocemente la presenza di patogeni e ad evitare la diffusione di fitopatie. Il Laboratorio di fitodiagnostica presso il PTP è accreditato dalla Regione Lombardia e dalla Regione Sicilia per analisi di fitodiagnostica molecolare. I metodi sviluppati permettono di rilevare virus, viroidi, batteri, fitoplasmi e funghi e possono essere realizzati con il sistema PLUS (Pre-Lab Unit System), che consente di effettuare una parte dell’analisi direttamente in azienda, risparmiando sia sui costi dell’analisi sia sui tempi necessari per conoscerne l’esito.
Identificazione varietale di Oliva Taggiasca
Identificazione delle varietà commerciali di riso
Identificazione varietale di campioni di riso con distinzione tra varietà Carnaroli/Karnak
Identificazione varietale grano duro e tenero
Identificazione varietale mais
Identificazione varietale orzo
Identificazione varietale piante ornamentali, orticole e frutticole
Identificazione di ceppi batterici e fungini
Identificazione delle varietà commerciali di riso
Identificazione varietale di campioni di riso con distinzione tra varietà Carnaroli/Karnak
Identificazione varietale grano duro e tenero
Identificazione varietale mais
Identificazione varietale orzo
Identificazione varietale piante ornamentali, orticole e frutticole
Identificazione di ceppi batterici e fungini
Animal diagnostics
In recent years there has been a considerable technological advancement also referring to the zootechnical world, both in terms of company management and that of product quality control. In this context, PTP offers tools and services specifically dedicated to animal husbandry, ranging from diagnostic systems for diseases to technologies for Livestock Precision Farming aimed at improving qualitative, quantitative yields and animal welfare.
Identificazione di ceppi batterici e fungini
Identificazione genetica e assegnazione di razza
Identificazione genetica e assegnazione di razza
Chemical analysis
PTP offers services for companies according to official analysis methods. Analysis of the composition of any type of product, for the identification of any organic or mineral molecule such as:
Fertilyzers analysis
Content analysis for heavy metals both for humans or animals food (eg rice or silomais)
Leaf and soil analysis
Content analysis for heavy metals both for humans or animals food (eg rice or silomais)
Leaf and soil analysis
Organic molecules
Analysis of pesticide residues
Analysis of the presence of hormones
Analysis of the presence of hormones
Tag and / or qualitative analysis
Fodder quality (e.g. Protein, UF, food value ...)
Quality of food products (eg milk:% proteins, fats, etc.)
Fruit and vegetable quality (eg color, brix grade ...)
Quality of processed products (eg wine, oil, cheese)
Agrochemical composition
Quality of food products (eg milk:% proteins, fats, etc.)
Fruit and vegetable quality (eg color, brix grade ...)
Quality of processed products (eg wine, oil, cheese)
Agrochemical composition
Quality check
Parco Tecnologico Padano provides traceability services to identify, even in processed food products, the presence / absence of specific animal species, fish and vegetables; control services to detect pathogen contamination in food products; control services to detect and quantify the presence of GMOs in raw materials and transformed matrices.
Sede centrale di Lodi
Via Einstein
Loc. Cascina Codazza
26900, Lodi - ITALY
Via Einstein
Loc. Cascina Codazza
26900, Lodi - ITALY